Ready to reconnect? Get started now!
Whether you’re ready to return to college or starting for the first time, we’ve got you covered, tuition-free! Complete an application and become a Dyersburg State Eagle!
Ready to reconnect? Get started now!
Whether you’re ready to return to college or starting for the first time, we’ve got you covered, tuition-free! Complete an application and become a Dyersburg State Eagle!
What is Tennessee Reconnect?
Tennessee Reconnect is an initiative to help adults, 23 or older, and independent students enter higher education so that they may gain new skills, advance in the workplace, and fulfill lifelong dreams of completing a degree or credential.
What are the eligibility requirements?
In order to receive the Tennessee Reconnect Scholarship, students must:
What does TN Reconnect Cover?
TN Reconnect covers tuition and mandatory fees. TN Reconnect does not cover books, online fees, or other non-mandatory fees. The TN Reconnect covered fees are listed here.
Do you need to take a semester off?
If a student cannot enroll in school for a semester due to extenuating circumstances, then the student will need to request a leave of absence. The IRP (Institutional Review Panel) will review the request, like an appeal, and approve or deny the leave of absence. Allowable reasons may include, but are not limited to,
Requests for a leave of absence need to be submitted by the appeal priority date of July 15 for fall, December 1 for spring, and May 1 for summer semesters. To complete a leave of absence request, complete the TN Reconnect appeal form.
Schedule an appointment for New Student Orientation, a campus tour, or to meet with an advisor!
Learn how Prior Learning Assessment works and how it could help you earn your degree faster!
For questions regarding Prior Learning Assessment, contact Pat Walker at or call 731-286-3331.
The WIOA offers several needs-based ways of paying for college.
For residents of Benton, Carroll, Crockett, Dyer, Gibson, Henry, Lake, Obion, and Weakly counties, contact Connie Stewart at or 731-286-3364.
For residents of Fayette, Lauderdale, Shelby, and Tipton counties, contact the American Job Center of Greater Memphis at 901-707-8419
Micki Poe
Financial Aid Counselor
Click below for more information for our Adult Learners!